Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Round one re-cap

What a morning.  Vic, Lori and myself all had a lot to take in so here's the recap.  It started with accessing my port and drawing blood.  It doesn't even hurt anymore when the needle goes in.  The nurse said eventually it wouldn't hurt because it forms like a callus which I think it has.  Then we wait for the lab to come up with the numbers.  Next we meet with the LPN for vitals and a overview of how I am feeling during the Chemo (sleep, nausea, pain, appetite, actually everything)  Then comes Dr Johnson and he reviews the numbers.  I have to say I was very happy to hear what he had to say.  My numbers were down again!  This means the Chemo is doing what it is supposed to.  The numbers are still very high in comparison to what normal is but the lower the better in my situation.  Dr Johnson is very matter of fact and did keep reminding us that I have severe liver disease but seemed to be happy with the results.  We decided to continue to the next round of Chemo with no change of drugs.
You know all those scans I have been getting?  They see everything and that brings up the not so good news from this visit.  The last PETscan showed some plaque build up in one of my arteries, so guess what? That's right, I have to see a Cardiologist for my heart.  Dr Johnson said he does not want to get my cancer in remission just to have me die of a heart attack.  So, another Dr's appointment with another Dr.  They will put me through the paces , stress test, echo etc.  Hopefully this can be fixed by Meds.
So overall it was a good appointment and I am getting better not worse.  I am still considered very sick and the odds are not in my favor but, I can beat those odds with prayer and positive attitude.  Keep the faith!!


  1. A Christmas miracle :) So happy to hear and I am so happy you get to enjoy a week off of the meds just in time for what promises to be a very thankful Holiday! Keeping the prayers going, after all that is what Christmas is all about...celebrating the birth of Jesus who has given us so much hope these last 30 days! XOXO

  2. Excellent news!!! Well, except the plaque. Anyone who's been reading this blog, though, knows you have a good heart. A little tuneup and you'll be ready for another 100,000 miles.

  3. I'm with Bob. One quick and painless fix and your heart will be good for another 100k! Keep on fighting Chuck! We'll keep praying for you and the rest of the family.

  4. Great news about your numbers. Also good news that they caught the blockage - to put a positive spin on it. It has been amazing to read your blog. Thank you for being so candid in sharing your thoughts and experiences. It is meaningful to those that care about you.

    Love to you and the family. We hope to see you when Bob and Sue come into town. Merry Christmas.
