Friday, December 30, 2011

Good start to round 2

It's Friday morning and the reason I did not post yesterday was because I was too busy, but that was good news.  After a long day at the hospital I felt good enough, after a nap, to go to Sam's game and I'm glad I did.  Sam played really well and they beat a strong team.                                                                          The people at the cancer wing were once again a pleasure to deal with.  I see different nurses each time but I'm becoming recognized by the whole staff.  One nurse told us that I am known as the patient with a great support team and an excellent self care regiment. Thanks again to my "team" of support!
I did get some more good news yesterday regarding my blood work.  My numbers are once again looking better and are going down. (down good, up bad)  They are still extremely high in comparison to what is normal but they are getting better.  What is being done is working and it is not just the medications.  My "team" is all of you.  Your prayers and good thoughts are as important to me as any medication I am taking, plus they make me feel good, not sick.  I have always been a believer in "a good effort will get you good results".  When people ask me for an example I draw upon the experience of my boys and their success.  I hope when they look back on their developmental years in sports they see my philosophy of  effort was foremost in my teaching.  It may not have always seemed that way but it was meant to be that way.  I mention this because I feel the same philosophy has to be used during my battle with cancer.  The Doctors have to give me a good effort in diagnosis, the nurses in quality treatment and everyone else in prayers and good thoughts toward my recovery.  With the exception of a miracle from God, which is a possibility we all pray for, I realize what I have is not curable.  I truly feel the effort to prolong my life is in good hands with my TEAM.  Thanks for your efforts, they are paying off. Remember to use the "effort philosophy" in your own life.  I assure you a good effort at whatever you do will get you a good result.  The saying "God helps those who help themselves" is true.  You try first and God will support your effort with good things.

1 comment:

  1. Chuck, you are a friend whom I both respect and admire. You are also a great source of inspiration. As I read your posts, I am reminded of another champion and personal hero, your Mom. She raised an incredible family and you do her great credit to display her greatest attributes of unwavering courage and strength, and an undying love for family. Keep up the great effort, Chuck! We are here for you..
