Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My girls are back

Again, just put the girls down to bed after a wonderful night of playing with dolls, building with blocks and general horsing around.  I know I was tired out, I think they were too.
The hectic holiday is winding down.  Matt went back to work in Minnesota, Sam went back to school for basketball practice and games.  It has been a very uplifting Christmas and I can't help to feel the entire family has been brought closer together in a real and lasting way.  Remember, God does not make mistakes, there is always a reason for his actions.  Accept them and make the best of them.


  1. I agree with every word, Chuck! Amen to that! May God continue to Bless You and the entire Katula clan this holiday Season and beyond..

  2. Mr. Katula

    This is probably strange that I am writing since we've never met, but I felt that it was important to do so. My husband and I both went to high school with your daughter-in-law, Allison and it is such a small world in that your wonderful wife helped us through our first year with our son Drew, at daycare at Kohls. She was the first face we saw when we took a tour of the facility at Site 2 and she made everything so wonderful and easy all the way through. What a lucky man you are! When she moved to Site One, we were devastated - I still am, acutally. I got your blog from Allison's facebook page and have been busy reading and praying. I have you and your family in my prayers as you fight this battle. I send nothing but prayers and hugs to all of you. You will BEAT this!


    Lindsay and Justin Schweikert
