Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Don't forget about Vic

I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers but I want everyone to send some of those Vicki's way.  She really has been going a million miles an hour since this this all came about.  She has not only continued to work full time but has also been handling all of my duties.  She took care of the outside fall duties like putting the hoses away and turning off the water, she got the snow blower ready for the first snow, she put away the patio furniture for the winter and more. This is all on top of having to argue with the insurance and drug companies in order to have my chemo meds here on time (which she was successful in doing after 10+ phone calls).  She has also been able to keep a good perspective on the reality of the situation.  With the help of Matt, she has been getting our finances in a position that will make any transition easier.  It's a lot to do and she's doing it!!  Thanks honey for letting me heal and allowing me to concentrate on getting better.  I love you!!

1 comment:

  1. Hearing you speak of MomKat this way just fills my heart with Joy. You two are an incredible couple. How in the world did I get so lucky to have you two for parents?!!! I thank GOD for you both every day! Love you!!! XOXO
