Monday, March 5, 2012

My extra week off....Sunday

As I said, I will try to do something each day during my extra week off in order to make it worth while.  Not only will the time off help to heal my platelet and bilirubin counts, it will allow me to do some things I would not have done if I was having treatment.  So what did I do on Sunday? Believe it or not it involved driving down to UW Parkside again.  Vic and I left home at 7:30am and picked up our niece, Katie and our nephew, Kyle.  We then headed over to Vic's parents house and picked them up also.  We hit the road and drove down to Parkside, not to see Sammy but, to watch our niece, Lauren play in a 7th grade volleyball tournament.  For anyone who has been involved in youth sports tournaments you know these are not a one game and go home event.  They are usually an all day event with a schedule based on whether your team wins or loses.  The more you win the longer you play.  Our first game was at 9:00am with a format of best 2 out of 3.  Lauren's team played well and Lauren really impressed me with her excellent play.  As I said," the better you play the longer you play".....  After the last game we went out to dinner!  I really enjoyed the day watching a good volleyball tournament, seeing Lauren play so well and spending time with the family.  I'm glad I had an opportunity to do this and I once again thank God for giving me what I need.  Speaking of getting what I need, we picked up Ramzi Sunday night and I will have him for a few days..... stay tuned.


  1. After a 9-hour Saturday tournament involving her daughter's team, one of my friends posted this on Facebook: "If I ever go to Hell, what I'm certain I will see there is a volleyball tournament...." I admire you for your endurance.

  2. Oh that's funny Bob! Thanks to Vic, Chuck and Sammy for hanging in there ALL day! So wonderful to spend time with the whole family. Lauren is very thankful you took the time to watch her play :) Now on to the prayers for your body to be stong for the next treatment. We trust that this extra week of rest did you a lot of good! You continue to inspire me to live each day to its fullest. May Jesus continue to pour out His love, courage and strength on you :) Hugs and kisses
