Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Monday and Tuesday... My Dog Days

 Although my platelet count is still low and I really should not be doing anything to put me in a position to get bruised, I decided now is a great time to take Ramzi for a couple days.  I am really glad I did.  He is still a fire plug when it comes to raw energy but I think he is getting better.  Both Monday and today I have spent all my time with him and realized he likes to sleep as much as he likes to run.  I let him nap most of the day hoping he is becoming more of a dog than a puppy.  I then realized that his sleep is not a normal dog trait as much as it is a chance to fully charge his batteries.  When Vic gets home from work we take him for a walk.  Unfortunately, I cannot walk as far as I used to so Ramzi is not getting the exercise he needs.  When we get back from the walk we let him out in the backyard to run hard and run he does!  Now he is tired and it's time to eat, which he does in about 1 minute and goes and lays down.  Vic and I eat our dinner and settle in for a night of TV viewing.  This is my favorite time for Ramzi's company.  He climbs up onto my lap and falls asleep.  What a great dog!  I have to thank Vic's parents again for fostering our dog while I get treatment.  I know he is a handful but, I also know he loves us all.  Oh yeah, the other thing I love about having him around is he always agrees with me when I have an opinion about something I see on TV.  Now that's not only a good dog but, a smart dog too!  Keep praying, only 2 more days to get my numbers on track in order to resume treatment.  Thanks for the help!!

1 comment:

  1. Chuck, more prayers going out to you, Vic, and the rest of the family. I was so glad to hear that Ramzi was back home for a couple of days! As I reflect on the last 12 months of my life, it would have been harder going recuperating from the pulmonary emboli without our pup Sophie. Funny as it sounds. She's a great companion to have especially when Jen's at work and the boy's are in school.
