Thursday, February 2, 2012

Round 3.....Done!

Took my last 3 chemo pills for round 3 last night.  This round went well with no real problems.  With each chemo round I feel like I am getting a little more beat up but, that is all part of the program.  I realize I have to put up with some "discomfort" in order to beat this thing.  I now start my week off and I will use it to recharge my batteries. My next appointment for blood work comes Wednesday and round 4 starts on Thursday.  I'll certainly enjoy the time off!!


  1. Wahoooo!!! Know how extremely proud of you we ALL are!! Your attitude continues to inspire so many people who read this blog! And more importantly, we are thanking the Lord every night for being with you on this journey and for helping your body handle all these harsh drugs.... It is a true blessing how well you are doing!!! We love you to the moon (and back a million times) :)

  2. Congrat's on making it through round 3. Now you can take a seat in the corner, take a drink, get your bearings and get ready for round 4. You're gonna eat lightning and you're gonna crap thunder! Enjoy your break.
