Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Good numbers and bad numbers

I got some good news and some disappointing news today.  The disappointing news was that my platelet count was very low again.  This has caused the Doctor to put off the use of Avastin in my next chemo treatment.  I was hoping we could use this new treatment during this next round but everything has to be perfect due to the dangerous side effects. The good news is that my numbers continue to drop.  My liver function is strong and the tumor marker, the number that signifies how much tumor involvement you have, is now below 1000.  For a little perspective, a normal tumor marker is 0-2.  My original number was around 3000.  Having the number under 1000 means the treatment is working. I will be starting round 4 tomorrow at 8am.  We decided that even though my platelet count is low we will go with the same treatment we used in the first three rounds.  The Dr said we will continue with the highest possible dose as long as my body can handle it.  Keep the prayers coming and the numbers will continue to drop. Thanks!!


  1. This is good news, Chuck! We'll keep the prayers coming. HE, we pray, will keep the numbers moving in the best direction. Sorry I missed you during your break. We were all down with a cold here at home. Love to you, Vic, and the boy's!

  2. We don't need no stinkin Avastin! You are doing great. Keep fighting.

  3. Just talking about the counterfeit Avastin in class. Just proves that everything has happened for a reason and God is truly looking out for you so that you didn't get the bad drug!! Keeping the prayers going :)
