Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday 2012

I know I've said I am going to take this battle one step at a time.  Well, I feel I have achieved another goal of mine ....Easter Weekend!  It has not been easy and I know I have quite an uphill journey ahead of me.  On this Good Friday I have to put everything in perspective based on the reason for the Easter Celebration.  As Christians we have a tendency to look at this weekend with the major emphasis on the resurrection of our Lord.  Not a bad thing to celebrate but, I want to remind everyone about the journey Jesus had to take. If you ever think you have it bad or rough, think about what Jesus was put through as he was paraded around town on his way to being crucified. He was made to carry his own heavy cross, stoned, beaten, his head was wrapped in thorns and he was ridiculed incessantly on the way to his death.  And we refer to this as "Good Friday"?  I don't think anyone else would have seen this as "good" but, Jesus did.  He willingly gave his life so our sins would be forgiven.  He knew the journey he had taken was God's will and by rising from the dead and taking his rightful place at the right hand of the father, he had confirmed God's love and plan for us.  It's never to tough as long as you believe in God's will.  Take a few minutes today and think about what is bothering you and offer it up to the Lord.  There is no battle that Jesus is not willing to help with.  He's been through much more!  Happy Easter.

1 comment:

  1. Good evening, Chuck.
    I don't know if you remember me. I'm Allison Snyder Katula's mother and we met when Jean brought me to your home, and again at the wedding.
    Allison shared this blogspot address with me today, and I wanted to let you know that you have been in my prayers these past months since your diagnosis, and I will continue to pray for you and Vicky and the boys.
    Your faith is inspiring and your words give us all hope.
    God bless you
