Sunday, July 7, 2013

One week, Good week

As I have said before the goal to my final stages is to string together good day after good day.  This past week has been a good week.  With the time frame that has been somewhat imposed on us, we put our noses to the grindstone and did some things that needed doing.  Funeral planning was something we talked about but we always seemed to find a way to put it off.  Last week we said no more excuses and went ahead and did it.  I am so glad we did because there is so much more to a funeral than you would think.  The idea of Vic and the boys having to do this during the grieving process leads me to believe that something would have been missed.  Now I know everything is covered and all Vic has to do is pick up the phone and start the process when it is time.  Just a side note, if you want you can actually pre-plan your funeral at any time.  This may be helpful for the future.  You don't have to sign up for anything but,  it can give you a good idea on what the funeral home is capable of along with the pricing.  Our funeral director was a younger woman who really enjoyed the idea of being able to talk to the client.  That usually doesn't happen and she mentioned it was nice.
I also met my hospice nurse this week and I really like her.  More importantly, Vic likes her a lot and they seem to both get along well.  The nurse made it very clear that her and Vic will be teammates throughout the process and Vic really understands her role and how important it is.  I was also told what Vic has been trying to tell me for years, she is the boss.  I have to listen to her and heed her advice in order for this hospice thing to work.  It does seem to be working so I'll go with the flow.
The big question this week is what is going to happen to me physically.  The nurse explained that pain is the sign to look for.  Without any treatment my tumors have free reign to grow and their growth will cause pain.  I have experienced an increase in pain starting on Thursday.  Pain management is the only way to feel better and as time goes on the pain will be something that is not manageable and I will have to fight through whatever I can.  Along with the pain, my other organs like heart, lungs, kidneys and liver will be compromised and more than likely fail causing my death.
Nobody knows the timeframe and the only clue will be how I feel each day.  That is my mantra...Everyday is going to be a good day!  So far the Lord has once again blessed me by allowing me to spend time with my family and friends.  This has been a great closure time for so many people and I know it will continue until God is ready to take me.  Keep praying, everyday is a good day!

1 comment:

  1. We are praying for you Chuck and for Vic and the rest of the family. I just wish I could say more to offer words of support and encouragement other than 'be strong and follow the path that Our Lord leads for you'. Please know that I am grateful to you for many years of friendship. Be at Peace, Chuck.
