Friday, March 30, 2012

Update on yesterdays numbers

I'm currently sitting in the "chemo suites" getting my treatment.  My oncologist, Dr. Johnson, stopped by to talk about why my tumor marker has been going up.  He feels he knows why this is happening. I was glad that he had some answers but , his explanation is a real catch 22.  He said that he feels my liver function is getting better.  The liver is the organ that is responsible for metabolizing drugs.  My liver is getting better at processing the chemo drugs therefore not allowing the drugs to stay in the liver as long as they were before.  Bottom line, the good news that my liver function is getting better is causing the chemo drugs to not work as well and the tumors may be growing because of it. This is only a hypothesis that will be verified by the PET scan I will be getting on April 17th.  I'm 2 1/2 hours into my infusion and I have about 3 1/2 hours to go.  This will give me all the time I need in order to decide whether I should be happy or concerned with this explanation.  I'm going to opt for happy because it's been working pretty well so far.  Keep praying!


  1. Then we are all happy too! I am glad to hear they at least had some idea of what might me going on...we pray this round of chemo does its job :) We all love you guys very much, each day, many times a day, you are thought about and prayed for xox The Duesing's

  2. You know we are praying every day/night for you...Praying for these drugs to do their job and for you/your body to tolerate them. WE LOVE YOU TO THE MOON. xoxoxoxo
