Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ramzi come home!

Who's Ramzi you ask?  For those of you who don't know,  he is our dog and he has been home with me for the last 4 days.  Let me explain why this is important with a little history.  We adopted Ramzi last January as a rescue puppy.  He is a boxer/english bulldog mix.  His boxer traits are the stronger of the two and he is 100% energy.  Unfortunately, this is the reason we had to find a foster home while I was getting treatment.  He was just to hyper to be around me after the surgery.  Also, one of the side affects of my chemo is a cold aversion, I can't be around anything cold.  I was unable to let the dog outside because of the weather.  This is when Nana and Grandpa came to the rescue and took Ramzi in.  I can't thank them enough for this sacrifice, he is a handful.  My cold aversion lasts about 10 days after the injection and my full treatment lasts 14 days.  After that I can get my dog back, if I feel up to it.  Well, this time he has been wonderful.  I believe he knows I am sick and has been very calm.  Having him around has been a great help for me since I've been spending most of my days alone.  I start my treatment again tomorrow and Ramzi has to go back to the "Spa"(they take such good care of him).  I will visit him during the next 2 weeks and look forward to having him back.  Does God give you what you need during hard times?  Absolutely, he gave me Ramzi.  What has God given you to help you through hard times?  It's there just look around.

1 comment:

  1. Chuck, I had to return to this post because honestly I have been thinking about it all morning. Our dog Sophie is a 1 1/2 year old Border Collie/Australian Sheperd mix. Awesome dog! I marvel at Our Lord's timing. With the exception of the occasional "pile-up", Sophie is a perfect dog for us. She's great with kids of every size and description. yet, she has uncanny instincts and is very protective of the family and our home. She puts me at ease because she's a great second pair of eyes around the house. But I digress.. Sophie came into our home very close to the time that I began to experience my health difficulty. She knew instinctively when I was having trouble and would instantly come to my side. She was/still is an important part of my team.
