Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Stiches are finally out

I got the stitches removed yesterday and boy does it feel good.  The doctor was happy with the results from the medication to knock down the infection.  There is some infection still remaining but it looks like it is on the way out.  I go to the hospital tomorrow for blood work.  If everything looks good I should be able to start up treatment again on Friday. This is very important because I am experiencing some of the symptoms I had experienced before when the tumors were growing.  I really feel I need to get back on the offensive and attack the cancer with what was working before the infections.
Thanks for the prayers and please keep them coming.

1 comment:

  1. Great that the infection looks to be under control. Time to get back to kicking some cancer. Let us know what drug you're going to be on so we can counter the side effects with the power of positive thinking.
