Thursday, February 28, 2013

Treatment update

I went in today for my weekly blood work and treatment. The results were cautiously optimistic.  Once again my platelet count went down to 79 from 93 for no apparent reason.  We are starting to get used to this and it is not bothering us as much at this point.  My tumor marker news was great.  It went down to 103 from 125.  All of my liver function numbers looked good.  The not so good news was that my finger infections are coming back.  At this point they are not real bad but I have to watch the situation very closely.  Based on the good results we are getting with the Erbitux, we will continue as long as we can.  If we have to stop, we will probably just take a break and go back to the same thing again until it stops working.  Overall I feel pretty good for someone who has been on chemo for 14 months.  My weight has stayed steady and my fatigue level is not real bad.  I'm looking forward to some nicer weather so I can go outside and get some exercise.  That's it for now, I thank God for the positive news and I thank all of you for the support.  Keep praying.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The fight is back on

I had a very good appointment today.  My blood work finally came back with positive results.  Our plan of attack was to take only one chemo drug at a time and see what each one does to my body.  We know the Avastin and Xeloda both affect my platelets negatively, so we opted to take Erbitux by itself. Well, the results were great.  My platelet count went up to 93 and more importantly my tumor marker went down to 125 from 192.  This was after one round.  The past has shown that the Erbitux does a good job on the tumors but the side effects are dangerous.  The finger infections that are caused by the drug can become serious enough to spread infection throughout my body.  Any infection could cause the ultimate side effect, death.  We just have to watch and weigh the options weekly.  So far, so good my fingers show no problems.  I said in an earlier post that this will be a "punch-counter punch" type of treatment.  So, take that cancer.........POW!  Keep praying.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Back in the saddle

 It's been a long time, but as of yesterday I've been deemed healthy enough to accept chemo.  The past couple of weeks have been very difficult.  I've battled low platelet counts, sinus infections and the common cold.  Unfortunately, the time that it took to take care of these problems gave the cancer an opportunity to grow and grow it did.  My tumor marker as of yesterday was up to 192.  If all goes well I will continue receiving a weekly infusion of Erbitux.  That's right, this is the same drug that caused my face rash and my finger infections.  It is also the drug that has shown the best results for reducing my tumors in the past.  We will stay on this drug for as long as we can knowing that eventually the side effects will probably cause us to have to stop.  We are at a point where the treatment has become more of a punch-counter punch method.  We will continue to change drugs and doses as needed to try and stay ahead of the cancer growth.  I am happy to be fighting the cancer again, but as I sit here writing this blog I'm reminded how chemo makes you feel...Terrible.  I guess I just have to allow my body to get acclimated to the drugs and continue to pray for positive results.  Once again, patience is a virtue.

I am also very pleased to be able to wish Samuel Lawrence Katula a Happy 24th Birthday.  Thank you Sam for all you have done in order to make your Dad's battle easier to cope with.  I love you!

Keep praying everyone, the fight is back on!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Little illness vs Big illness

I was supposed to start my new treatment regimen today.  Unfortunately, it did not happen.  What's stopping me from battling my cancer?  The common cold!  That's right, I came down with a cold earlier in the week and it has not gotten any better.  As of now my immune system is strong enough to fight a cold but, if I start taking chemo drugs again my system could become compromised. If that happens my little cold could turn into a lot worse.  As a precaution I was tested for the flu, which came back negative.  They also had me get a chest x-ray just to make certain I have nothing else going on in there.
I did have blood work done and the numbers were as follows.  Platelets went up to 116, the highest they have been for a very long time.  That was great news because it clears the way for a variety of different chemo options if it can stay high.  My tumor marker went up to 174.  This was not a surprise due to the fact I have been off full chemo treatment for over one month.  We are scheduled to restart next Thursday pending my overall health status.  I think I just need to rest.  That's what I'm going with...nap time!  Keep praying.

 Note: If you are asked to give a nasal swab to test for the flu virus...RUN!!  This was one of the most uncomfortable and painful things I have had to do.  The nurse started apologizing as soon as she came in the room.  Picture a long Q-tip with a pipe cleaner on the end.  Shove this in your nose so it goes down the back of your throat.  You know when it's in because the pain is intense.  The bad news is you have to do both nostrils so you know what's coming on the second one. If it is not life threatening my advice, don't do it.

Friday, February 1, 2013


I've been thinking about writing this post for quite awhile now.  After receiving the information from my latest scan and blood work, I think the time to start this post now is a good idea.  This will be a long post and an incomplete post.  I will be adding to this post up until the day I die.  The idea behind this post has to do with how I will be represented in the "Remember When" conversations that my children, grand children, other family members and friends have in the future.  As we get older we pass along memories of what we feel were interesting and important to our family and friends.  Having a grand parent tell a grandchild what they did or said when they were younger is an important experience for both of them.  Just think how many times you sat and listened to your father or grandfather tell you a story that started with "I remember when you were little you said......".  This is a list of items, statements or comments that have impacted me, that I want to be able to have on the record, so they can be passed along.  I am going to start from the time I was diagnosed.  Some of the items I put on this list will not make sense to anyone other than the person who shared it with me.  I will try to keep the timeline the best I can but, I'm sure I will make a few errors.  I will add to the list as time goes by.  This list is to be shared with family and friends.

  • Your liver numbers are high so we want you to have an ultrasound
  • Based on the ultrasound, we want you to have a CT scan
  • You know you have a large tumor in your colon
  • No bag
  • Your liver is 80-90% compromised with tumors
  • Max maybe 2 months
  • Treatment is working very well
  • Packers lose after 15-1 season
  • There is more than medicine at work here
  • Easter
  • Are my prayers working?
  • So, how are you feeling?
  • I want to be the mam
  • What would you like to drink sir?
  • I'll have a pizza with spiderwebs and worms please
  • Good morning Papa....can we watch a show
  • Let's build a fort
  • Your blog has inspired me
  • How are your fingays?
  • Can I see Ramzi?
  • Wicked- the musical 
  • Dance Party
  • BCC golf with boys
  • Zoo
  • Can you read me a story?
  • Papa, let's do it again
  • Can you make pea soup?
  • I'm dry
  • It's going to be a boy
  • Your CEA is going up
  • He has to go home so he can have his surgery in Wisconsin
  • 4 year old soccer games
  • Thanksgiving with family 
  • Singing like angels
  • School programs
  • Charles Owen
  • No, you cannot travel
  • Ramzi sit.....and paw
  • Get down dog!!
  • Finger Dance
  • Sleep over in Princess Room
  • Schooch over
  • Movie and popcorn
  • Cancer spreading
  • Owie on face and fingays again
  • Medical A-Team, Vic-Allison-Matt
  • The eternal optimist
  • I love you one thousand times plus 27
  • I luuuuuuuuv   ya
  • Gooooood Morning- What's for breakfast?  Pizza and alligator toes
  • Good. Feel good
  • Status Quo
  • Every body is different
  • I'm sorry, this is going to be uncomfortable
  • This was not in my long term goals
  • My body functions are all controlled by medication
  • Will you be my valentine? No, Mason is already my valentine.
  • We are going to see Spiders Web
  • He's the only kid that will need his Fisher Price golf clubs re-gripped
  • Great season Northstars
  • 1/2 price apps
  • Nana no pants